The Yarwood Award
Originally the Society had offered the Doreen Yarwood Award to members who had an interest
in research into costume but were not professionally involved. The executive committee approved
a proposal that in future, this award should be directed towards research being undertaken
at a dedicated institution and would be called The Yarwood Award. It was agreed that we would
offer the award to the London College of Fashion for a three year period: after the three
years the Award would be offered to another institution.
We are delighted to announce
that The Yarwood Award will be offered to a research student on the MA Costume Design (Course
Director, Donatella Barbieri) at the London College of Fashion. It is our joint intention
that the award will be allocated this year so that continuity of the award can be maintained.
Our Society Sub-Committee for The Yarwood Award will be involved, of course, with the final
selection of the students nominated by the Course Leader.
The student who is granted The Yarwood
Award 2007-2008 will receive £500 towards final year expenses and we look forward to publishing
a report from the student at the end of the academic year. The report will, of course be published
in the Newsletter, on our website and in Costume, our Journal.
Previous winners of the Doreen Yarwood Award